White Paper
👏Technology + Policy + Community = Success
PIRL is not a stock or a product and does not represent shares of a profit sharing company. PIRL did not operate an ICO or Pre-sale and does not have a pre-mine. The PIRL monetary unit represents technology platform native currency used within the platform as a payment for features, trading of goods and services and rewarding of network supporting individuals through block reward distribution. This document does not represent a sell offer of PIRL or PIRL
based activities. All trading of PIRL are subjected to exchanges who offer PIRL trading pairs, and between individuals who can trade PIRL balances between each other on the blockchain. This document represents PIRL teams vision for solving certain challenges in the blockchain ecosystem and details
the team approach to them with utilization and development of innovative technologies and features. PIRL has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this document. However, the information is provided „as is“ without warranty of any kind. PIRL does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this document. No warranties, promises and/or representations of any kind, expressed or implied, are given as to the nature, standard, accuracy or otherwise of the information provided in this document nor to the suitability or otherwise of the information to your particular circumstances.
Apps like Pirlchat, Pirltube, Room-House.com will not release Stock. Only Pirl coin is the only coin used in the ecosystem
+Because the above applications are decentralized platforms, so any revenue on the application will not be allowed to use fiat money for payment, only Pirl coin is used as the only currency this will help increase the long-term value of Pirl coin
+All revenue from Pirlchat, Pirltube, Room-House.com will be burned 100%.

Free and easy decentralized internet for everyone to use
Install free decentralized meeting rooms around the world. Each individual is a personal computer use and install an R-H node, everyone can earn SkyPirl coin for free.
Why is R-H free for everyone?
Like Facebook, Tiktok, Youtobe all services are free, they make money from services such as advertising. While R-H allows anyone to use on their personal computer, R-H's revenue is using SkyPirl coin as a payment method to collect fees.
When people use R-H, there will be basic features such as using the front camera and screen sharing
Paid features:
_Stream mp4 videos: music, movies, videos
_Give away Skypirl coins for your favorite videos in the room
_The room owner can optionally install when anyone who wants to enter the room has to pay a fee with skypirl coin to join the room
_Room naming service, room name in the form name.Room-House.com: For example, your room default name is RH-12x34.R-H.com . If you want to change your name to your brand like Skypirl.Room-House.com, you will have to buy Skypirl to pay a monthly fee to maintain the service. Users can also change the name as they please, but must pay a fee in skypirl coin.
_Connect rooms using your own domain name. If you have a domain name like skypirl.com then you can use Link to enter your room. and you have to pay with SkyPirl coin
Like the decentralized exchange like Uniswap and pancake, the decentralized meeting room R-H Uses SkyPirl coin as the project's own token. The project uses SkyPirl as its sole currency for services, which increases the value of SkyPirl coin. SkyPirl coin holders have the right to join the council, and vote on the project's policies. R-H does not use fiat currency to pay for services, you can only use SkyPirl coin to pay for it.
2025-2030: your personal computer configuration will be more and more powerful, like in 2022 a mid-range computer about $ 700 will have 8Gb Ram and 8-core i5 CPU. But in 2025 to 2030 your low-cost personal computer configuration will have 16Gb to 128Gb Ram and 16 to 64 core CPU, this will make your room meeting more crowded in one room
It's very complicated to install an R-H node right now, so we'll make it easier for everyone to use in the future.
In the future investment funds want to own shares of R-H, they must buy SkyPirl coin. And SkyPirl coin is the shares of the project
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